Thanks to recent advances in surgical technique and equipment, many spinal disorders can now be corrected with minimally invasive spinal surgery. Minimally invasive spinal surgery is a collection of surgical techniques that allows the spinal problem to be corrected using small surgical incisions. Compared to traditional spine surgery, minimally invasive spinal procedures are less damaging…
Why Surgeon Choose Bilateral Knee Replacement at the same time. Article by Dr Nirad Vengsarkar, Joint Replacement Surgeon Mumbai
With simultaneous bilateral knee replacement, both of your knees will be replaced during the same surgery. The primary advantage of a simultaneous procedure is that there is only one hospital stay and one rehabilitation period to heal both knees. However, rehabilitation may be slower, as it’s more difficult to use both knees at the same...
What are the Causes of Back Pain. Article by Dr Nirad Vengsarkar, Spine Surgeon, Mumbai
When we see a patient with back pain the key questions we ask are: —How and when did it happen? —Is the pain localized to the low back, or does it radiate? —Do you have numbness or weakness in the legs? Assuming there wasn’t a major accident or trauma to the back, the physician is...
Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment by Dr Nirad Vengsarkar, Spine Surgeon, Mumbai
Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that mainly affects the spine and sacroiliac joints, or the lower back. An inflammatory disease, symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) include pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility. The disease involves erosion of bone and increased bone formation in the spine, leading to bone fusion. In advanced cases, this...
Modern Joint Replacement Surgery. Article by Dr Nirad Vengsarkar, Joint Replacement Surgeon, Mumbai
Joint replacement surgery is typically recommended for patients with advanced end stage joint disease (usually of the knee or the hip) who have tried non-surgical treatment, but still experience functional decline and disabling pain. Joint replacement is an extremely effective surgery when done at the right time and indication. Modern joint replacement surgery involves removal...